Erectile Dysfunction:A Woman's Point of View

Erectile Dysfunction: A Woman’s Point of View

We often see commercials or ads about erectile dysfunction, but it’s nowhere near the same in reality. They often tend to show the guy, that can’t get an erection, taking some sort of quick and simple treatment. Then, in quick time, the woman boasts about how she and her man are back to enjoying their fun, crazy sexual activities.

What these ads neglect to show is the painful distress a woman experiences when her man suffers from erectile dysfunction (ED). Of course, the partner diagnosed with ED is going through a lot and is feeling many different emotions. However, the female in this situation is also affected, maybe not in the same way, but in a way. Often what the woman is going through, and how she reacts to the problem can have a huge impact on the man.

Women and ED, Finding a Balance

When a man is diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, the woman may begin internalizing things. They’ll often blame themselves or feel guilty thinking it’s something they did wrong. The worst part is some of them even believe that they’re no longer attractive to their man. Most of them immediately think it’s their fault that a man isn’t able to get an erection.

ED, or erectile dysfunction, is medically defined as the inability to achieve or sustain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse. According to the American Foundation for Urologic Disease, it’s a problem that affects about 18 million men in the U.S. alone.

Despite these facts, many women still view ED as a sexual problem. Yet, the most common causes are undiagnosed physical conditions.

These conditions include:

  • High cholesterol.
  • Diabetes.
  • Certain medications.
  • Early stages of heart disease.

The ignorance of the causes of ED is usually responsible for a woman’s increasing anxiety, self-blame and feelings of hurt or anger. Sometimes, it urges the woman to try harder to sexually please her man, in hopes of the issue going away. She may start wearing sexier clothing or increasing the intensity of sexual activity. However, this doesn’t help and, in fact, can make things worse and put more pressure on him.

Try discussing things personally, long after the sexual activities occur, as this may be the best solution. Be sure that your partner is aware of the health problems caused by ED. Gently encourage him to discuss it with his doctor to seek treatment. With the right amount of knowledge of ED, you can get through to your partner.

Sexually Experiment

You want your man to know that you care for him and his situation, and take this seriously.

The treatments for your man can either take long or be quick, like Viagra. This depends on what caused your man’s ED.

Just because an erection isn’t possible for your man right now, doesn’t mean all intimacy is completely off the table. During this time, consider sexually experimenting with one another and develop other ways to obtain intimacy. There are many different ways to be sexual, and both of you can explore them together.

My Man Has ED: What to Do

If your man is experiencing ED, then there are a few things you can do to shed light on the situation:

  • Acknowledge the problem: and prepare for it to get worse, cause it might.
  • Talk about the issue together, but do it outside of the bedroom.
  • Use your words wisely and refer to the issue as ED: avoid negative connotative words-men have feelings too.
  • Take action: make a plan and continue to try and reach a solution.
  • Reinforce your bond: if you feel you may be getting distant from one another, consider the importance of simple romantic gestures and actions. Try date night!
  • Honesty is key: communicate with each other about how you’re feeling and how you’re both handling the situation. Depression and stress are very common symptoms of ED. 
  • Research ED: One of you guys might realize that the issue involving ED reflects much more than the inability to perform. There could be many different reasons, such as the symptoms of an underlying issue. Be sure to do some background reading.
  • Talk to a healthcare professional to figure out what available treatments best suit your needs.


No matter what, do not close off the line of emotional communication with your partner. Most of all, do not be afraid of putting your physical relationship on hold. Do not take your partner’s situation as an issue created on your part.

Connect with your nurturing, instinctive, compassionate side and soon you’ll know all the right things to say and do. This will continue that vital communication and intimacy. Mendown partners nationwide with licensed physicians and pharmacies to provide the best medications to treat ED. For more information on our products, visit our website or contact us today.

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